TESTRON support their customers to increase the reliability and sustainability of their industrial cooling solutions

Air cooled Chiller-Industrial chiller-Industrial cooling system-process chiller

Sustainability is increasingly influencing the purchase decision in the UAE. At TESTRON, we have a clear mission- to connect the world without costing the earth. Our approach to sustainability is continually evolving and improving as we work closely alongside our partners and customers to achieve our goals.

We recently delivered our eco-friendly air-cooled chiller to the UAE’s first and only IV solutions manufacturing plant. TESTRON air-cooled chillers provide the ideal cooling solution for a wide range of industrial applications related to plastics processing and to the food industry.

With the professional ability to choose the most suitable cooling solution according to actual working conditions and applications, and the strong motivation to provide top quality chillers, TESTRON is now serving users in more than 30 countries in the world.

For more information, please contact our sales team at sales@testrongroup.com

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